Sunday, March 22, 2009


Handplanes. Fun as a can of jumping beans. I've never actually seen a jumping bean, much less a whole can of them, but I can imagine it and it seems like a whole lot of fun. These are waaay funner. True story: I was out with a mate the other day and he got a full barrel, sectioned over, in there, came out clean (on the one in the second image.) Epic.
Get them for 50 bucks
aussie a pop. Will send them all around the world free of charge. Pick a shape and it's off in the mail. Made of marine ply, sealed with surfboard resin, with surf-rescue board staps.
(word of note; they're not finished absolutely perfect, but are not meant to be, because frankly you're not perfect either.)

shapes are:
swallow flyer
chubby stinger
order through:


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